domingo, 19 de diciembre de 2010

Now you can have access to fans group of Magazine... very much easy..

Now with your third-generation phone. You can access our Facebook group just to take a picture, to the next image.


viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

OK! sl Magazine #7 November 2010

jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010

EAR MONEY (L$) // Gana dinero (L$)

Would you like to make money selling lands? You want to be real estate agent? then contact me javy Allen in-world.

Earn (L$) from L$ 1000 to L$ 10.000 and more... selling lands. This is you oportunity for to work in SecondLife

Contact me: Javy Allen


Te gustaría ganar dinero (L$) vendiendo terrenos? Deseas ser agente de Bienes Raices en SL? entonces contactame.

Gana desde L$ 1000 hasta L$ 10.000 vendiendo terrenos, es tu oportunidad de trabajar en Secondlife.

Contactame javy Allen.

jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

Flower Ducatillon advises us that

OKsl Magazine #6 October 2010

We are extremely pleased by the many comments we have
received from you about the redesign of the magazine. Was an interdisciplinary job of all the people that is part of our team.

This number represents the first semester of our magazine, which always seeks to entertain you and provide Information about places of great interest and the Fashion world around us

VeneSpain Runway was opened with a fashion week 2010 held this month, the designers' display.their work. It also allows
everyone who wants to be a model, try their luck in this world.

Are you ready for Halloween? If not, run to buy your costume. Here are some tips about this holiday about this holiday so you can celebrate it with your friends.

sábado, 25 de septiembre de 2010

Viajando por Secondlife : Calas Galadhon By Karin Nakamori

Tymus Tenik & Truck Meredith are the responsible for the wonderful place we are going to visit today in this Edition of Flying along Second Life.


Even when at LL records the place is known as Lothlorian, they choose to keep calling it CALAS Galadhon, as was called by mistake the first time that was showed on the showcase, at December of 2009.

“Calas” was a grammatical mistake of “CARAS Galadhon”, fictitious place of the “Lord of the Rings” by JRR Tolkien, however, Tymus and Truck took the decision of keep the name as is known today, “Cala Galadhon”.

It was in January of this year that CALAS Galadhon started its transformation to the place we see today, a rural environment with green prairies, farms and rivers that reflex an American coast country of the 1900´s.

When you arrive to any of the 8 SIM, amazing landscapes with the finest details are going to amaze you.

Romance is definitely an important element at this park. Each corner, each spot invites you to romance so, don’t go by yourself and do as I did, invite a friend using the coupon “call a friend”.

The best part is that this place it’s so huge that you will have a great excuse to use the coupon once and again, because surely your friend is going to be as amazed as you, so the returning it will be a fact.

There are several options to explore it. If you forgot comfortable shoes to walk, you can choose the horses ride, or the boat. But if you wish to feel the wind on your face… an air balloon ride is going to be perfect.

You can be sure that this visit is going to leave you that peaceful feeling we all look for when we explore places where nature and harmony goes together.

At last, but not least, I can tell you that one of the creators of Calas (Tymus) told me about a new SIM: “Gulf of Lune”. Is not included yet, so we have to keep an eye to be the first ones to visit this 9th SIM once it’s opened to the public.

Open your friends list, or send a TP to that special person, and come visit this fascinating place.

I say goodbye till the next Volando por Second Life.

OK!Style of September by Flower Ducatillon